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Opisthoncus polyphemus (L. Koch, 1867) Cyclops Jumping Spider

A widespread and common medium-sized jumping spider, possible several species. female body length 8-9 mm, the male 6-7 mm, in eucyalypt forest, heathland and woodland to dry rainforest in New Guinea, Queensland, New South Wales and Western Australia. The body is pale yellow-orange with white markings except for very obvious black circles surrounding the eyes. These circles give the spider its common name because its eyes, embedded in their black circles, seemed bigger than normal. In Greek the name Kuklops means "round eye" referring to the large single eye of Cyclops, the one-eyed titan, also known as Polyphemus. This is a highly mobile spider found roaming foliage in the daytime, hunting for insects and other arthropods, including spiders. It is very inquisitive and will often jump onto the camera lens if it gets close.

Female from above

Opisthoncus polyphemus
Photo: Martin Stevens

Female facing

Photo: Martin Stevens

Female from side

Opisthoncus polyphemus
Photo: Martin Stevens

Male from side

Photo: Martin Stevens

Male facing

Opisthoncus polyphemus
Photo: Martin Stevens

Male from side, facing

Photo: Martin Stevens

Female adult or sub adult from above

Opisthoncus polyphemus
Photo: Robert Whyte

Female adult or sub adult from above, side on

Opisthoncus polyphemus
Photo: Robert Whyte

Female adult or sub adult from above

Opisthoncus polyphemus
Photo: Robert Whyte

Female adult or sub adult epigyne

Opisthoncus polyphemus
Photo: Robert Whyte

Female adult or sub adult chelicerae

Opisthoncus polyphemus
Photo: Robert Whyte

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