Loxosceles rufescens

This recluse spider is fairly well established in South Australia, found in and around houses and sheds. Its bite is medically important, capable of leading to ulcerous lesions which are slow to heal and might require skin grafts. The bite of the White Tail Spider (Lamponidae) does not do this, despite popular belief. Complications including infection and organ poisoning are dangerous but no known fatalities have occurred. It is to be avoided. Do not handle.

From Morgan, SA

Sicariidae Loxosceles rufescens
Photo: Mark Newton

From Morgan, SA

Sicariidae Loxosceles rufescens
Photo: Mark Newton

Male from Adelaide northern suburbs, SA

male Lioxosceles rufescens Adelaide northern suburbs
Photo: Sarah Louise Halse

From Morgan, SA

 Lioxosceles rufescens Morgan, South Australia
Photo: Mark Newton

Male, Morgan SA

Loxosceles rufescens
Photo: Mark Newton

Male, Morgan SA

Loxosceles rufescens
Photo: Mark Newton

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