This spider was in a live leaf retreat about 1.5m up shrubs on the northern side of the junction of Fish and Enoggera Creeks, The Gap, Brisbane. Body length about 8mm. This is by no means is a certain identification. Live leaf curling orb weavers have been separated having spiders in both Araneidae and Tetragnathidae. Deliochus has been transferred [to Araneidae] from the Tetragnathidae by Kuntner, Coddington & Hormiga, 2008: 190. This may in fact be a Phonognatha sp. Rainbow did not find a male Deliochus pulcher to describe, nor has anyone else since.
Female from above

Photo: Robert Whyte
Female side on

Photo: Robert Whyte
Female from above

Photo: Robert Whyte
Female from above, closeup

Photo: Robert Whyte
Female side on

Photo: Robert Whyte