Knobbly Crab Spider is a slow moving, relatively timid spider that relies on its camouflage against bark to avoid predators and to hide when waiting for prey. Females up to 10mm body length, males smaller but similar. Hawkeswood notes that the mature spiders mostly feed on other spiders.
On bark
This specimen was about 10mm body length on a Loquat tree in Walton Bridge Reserve on Friday, 22 May 2009.

Photo: Robert Whyte
On leaf

Photo: Robert Whyte
Side on

Photo: Robert Whyte
From above

Photo: Robert Whyte

Photo: Robert Whyte

Photo: Robert Whyte
From above on leaf
Another specimen body length about 8mm collected 12-09-09 on the northern side of the junction of Fish and Enoggera Creeks, Walton Bridge Reserve, The Gap.

Photo: Robert Whyte
- Calodema - Trevor J. Hawkeswood
- Spiders of Australia: An Introduction to Their Classification, Biology & Distribution - Trevor J Hawkeswood
Pensoft Pub December 2003
ISBN: 9546421928 - Spiders of Australia: An Introduction to their Classification, Biology and Distribution: Trevor J. Hawkeswood - New and used through ABE Books