Facing, oblique view
A small Stephanopis, of which there must be many species, hard to tell apart. Body length 4mm. Possibly S. corticalis. To determine Stephanopis species it seems you sjould look at the knobbles on the carapace and the femurs of leg I. S. pustulosa seems to have two semicircles of three or more knobbles on either side of the carapace in the shoulder region, a "road narrows ahead" mark on the abdomen and fairly nondescript spines on the legs. S. corticalis seems to lack the shoulder knobbles and has distinct leg knobbles. The epithet corticalis should mean radiating spokes.
![Stephanopis sp](../_dbase_upl/P1240285.jpg)
Photo: Robert Whyte
From above
![Stephanopis sp](../_dbase_upl/P1240287.jpg)
Photo: Robert Whyte
Another specimen, from above
![Stephanopis sp](../_dbase_upl/P1240398.jpg)
Photo: Robert Whyte
![Stephanopis sp](../_dbase_upl/P1240492_09-09-09.jpg)