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Simaetha thoracica Thorell 1881

A blocky, robust jumper of medium size, female body length about 6 mm, male about 5 mm. They have golden scales, often rubbed off in larger specimens, through wear and tear. S. thoracica has the most obvious dark circles on the posterior (rear) of the abdomen. The name of this spider has not changed since Thorell named it in 1881. The genus was revised (in part) by Marek Zabka in 1994.

Female adult facing

Simaetha thoracica Thorell 1881
Photo: Robert Whyte

Female adult from above

Simaetha thoracica Thorell 1881
Photo: Robert Whyte

From above oblique

Simaetha thoracica Thorell 1881
Photo: Robert Whyte

Juvenile North Queensland GJA-5773-j

Simaetha thoracica
Photo: Dr Greg Anderson

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