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Menemerus bivittatus (Dufour, 1831) Cosmopolitan Jumping Spider

Note: some Menemerus bracteatus also on this page.

This is a cosmopolitan jumping spider associated with humans in the warmer parts of the world, found in houses and on walls in cities. In Australia it has been reported in coastal Queensland. Both the female and the male have white fringing sides of the cephalothorax, rather like a scarf or sash, giving rise to the species name which means wearing a decorative ribbon. The female has a mostly light coloured upper surface of the abdomen, the male has a central narrow dark V shape. The male palp is a rather uncomplicated affair, having a simple upward pointing embolus with a membranous conductor. The female has very large and fluffy palps. ♀ 10mm ♂ 9mm

Female adult

Photo: Robert Whyte

Female adult facing

Menemerus bivittatus
Photo: Robert Whyte

Male adult from above

Menemerus bivittatus
Photo: Robert Whyte

Male palp

Menemerus bivittatus
Photo: Robert Whyte

Male M. bracteatus adult facing

Menemerus bivittatus
Photo: Martin Stevens

Male M. bracteatus adult in alcohol from side

Menemerus bivittatus
Photo: Robert Whyte

Male M. bracteatus adult in alcohol from above

Menemerus bivittatus
Photo: Robert Whyte

Female M. bracteatus from above, Emerald, Qld

Menemerus bivittatus
Photo: Laurence Sanders

Female M. bracteatus facing, Emerald, Qld

Menemerus bivittatus
Photo: Laurence Sanders

Female M. bracteatus from side, Emerald, Qld

Menemerus bivittatus
Photo: Laurence Sanders

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