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Dolophones turrigera (L. Koch, 1867) Turreted Wrap-around Spider

This spider is another wrap-around Araneid in the day, making a web at night. The female when adult is around 8 mm, the male being smaller, usually 4-5 mm. Other Dolophones species, such as Dolophones conifera, are very similar. The upper surface of the abdomen has a turret more or less in the centre. The upper abdominal surface features round plates, each with a slit or line in the middle. The overall colour and appearance of this spider provides excellent camouflage when it is resting on a dead twig.

Oblique view on twig

Dolophones turrigera
Photo: Robert Whyte

Disguised, from behind

Dolophones turrigera
Photo: Robert Whyte

Disguised, from side

Dolophones turrigera
Photo: Robert Whyte

Facing, showing turret

Dolophones turrigera
Photo: Robert Whyte

Disguised, face on, on branch

Dolophones turrigera
Photo: Robert Whyte

Facing, on twig

Photo: Robert Whyte


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