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Dolophones macleayi (Bradley, 1876) Macleay's Dolophones

Dolophones macleayi was first named Tholia macleayi by Bradley in 1876, pubished in "The araneids of the Chevert Expedition. Part I. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales". This possible juvenile matches the photo in Mascord 1980. Body length about 3mm. Collected mid June 2009 on the northern side of the junction of Fish and Enoggera Creeks, Walton Bridge Reserve, The Gap, on Saturday 22 August 2009.

Facing from above

Dolophones macleayi
Photo: Robert Whyte

Female facing

Dolophones macleayi
Photo: Dr Greg Anderson

Female facing, oblique

Dolophones macleayi
Photo: Dr Greg Anderson

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