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Sondra aurea (L. Koch, 1880) Golden Sondra

A male Sondra aurea identified by Marek Zabka while in Australia in August 2010. Cephalothorax generally brown, fovea area and median part of thorax lighter, eye surrounding black. Hairs sparse, greyish and brown. Abdomen elongate, dark-grey with lighter pattern of lines of small spots. Hairs sparse, greyish and brown. Anterior and posterior spinnerets dark, median yellowish. Clypeus dark-brown with single light hairs and brown bristles. Chelicerae brown, promargin with 3, retromargin with 7 teeth. Pedipalps dark-brown, cymbium distally yellowish. Maxillae brown with orange apices. Labium smudgy brown with yellowish apex. Sternum brown, venter dark-grey. Legs I dark-brown, proximal patellae and tarsi yellowish, ventral femora orange, patellae and tibiae with ventral fringes of dark grey-brown hairs, tibiae with 3 and metatarsi with 2 pairs of ventrolateral spines. Legs II and III lighter, generally brown with darker sides and lighter ventrally and dorsally. Legs IV with orange and brownish bands around patellae and tibiae, metatarsi and tarsi smudged orange, the rest brownish. Palpal organ with pear-shaped bulbus, embolus dagger-like, tibial apophyses massive and complicated in Sondra-like manner. Description: Zabka, Marek Records of the Australian Museum (2002) Vol. 54: 257-268. ISSN 0067-1975.

Male from above

Sondra nepenthicola
Photo: Robert Whyte

Male facing

Photo: Robert Whyte

Male facing

Sondra nepenthicola
Photo: Robert Whyte


Sondra nepenthicola
Photo: Robert Whyte

Palp with knobbles on metarsus

Sondra nepenthicola
Photo: Robert Whyte

Male palp

Sondra nepenthicola
Photo: Robert Whyte

Male palp

Sondra nepenthicola
Photo: Robert Whyte

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