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Damoetas sp. Shaggy Damoetas

This jumper resembles Damoetas nitidus in many respects, having posterior median eyes closer to the anterior eyes than the posterior lateral eyes, longer first legs, and no abrupt or pronounced tapering of the cephalothorax rear, but is possibly not D. nitidus, the only described Damoetas, as nitidus means shining. This may be a new species of Damoetas, as yet undescribed. It's quite shaggy.

Myrtle Creek, body length 3.5mm, waving front legs

Damoetas sp.
Photo: Martin Stevens

Myrtle Creek, body length 3.5mm, facing

Damoetas sp.
Photo: Martin Stevens

Myrtle Creek, body length 3.5mm, facing

Damoetas sp.
Photo: Martin Stevens

Myrtle Creek, body length 3.5mm, from above

Damoetas sp.
Photo: Martin Stevens


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