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Neon sp. A Jumping Spider

Spiders in the genus Neon have not, as of this writing, been recorded for Australia, with the possible exception of Barrow Island in Western Australia, however it is suggested this genus will prove to be abundant and widespead (Marek Zabka pers. comm.)

Female adult from above, Mooloolah

Neon sp. Mooloolah
Photos and image stack: Brodie Foster

Female adult from side, Mooloolah

Neon sp. Mooloolah
Photos and image stack: Brodie Foster

Female adult from below, Mooloolah

Neon sp. Mooloolah
Photos and image stack: Brodie Foster

Female adult from above, Mooloolah

Neon sp. Mooloolah
Photos and image stack: Brodie Foster

Female adult facing, Mooloolah

neon sp. Mooloolah
Photos and image stack: Brodie Foster

Female adult Mooloolah, cheliceral dentition, retromargin

Neon sp. Mooloolah
Photos and image stack: Brodie Foster

Female adult Mooloolah, epigyne

Neon sp. Mooloolah
Photos and image stack: Brodie Foster

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