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Maratus vespertilio (Simon 1901) Bat-like Maratus

This cryptic, little-known species has a wide distribution across southern Australia. It has a much less flamboyant colouration than its close relations - yet it retains the strong behavioural traits, especially in mating. The outermost sections of the flap resemble those of Maratus harrisi, the covering of the body is otherwise well camouflaged with greens and browns. The species name is Latin for bat - the night flying mammal.

Two males and mating pair

Maratus vespertilio
Photo: Jurgen Otto

Males displaying

Maratus vespertilio
Photo: Jurgen Otto


  • PECKHAMIA 96.1, 1 December 2011, 1―27 - An illustrated review of the known peacock spiders of the genus Maratus from Australia, with description of a new species (Araneae: Salticidae: Euophryinae) Jürgen C. Otto and David E. Hill
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