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Cosmophasis baehrae Zabka & Waldock, 2012 Baehr's Jumping Sppider

Found in medium to densely vegetated environments, possibly gardens. There is some iridescence, distinct white markings on the face and abdomen, and horizontally across the middle of the cephalothorax. High arched cephalothorax, body dark and slender. White tufts of hair on the tibia and metatarsi of the palps. ♀ 5mm ♂ 6mm.

Male adult facing

Cosmophasis species
Photo: Martin Stevens

Male adult, from behind

Cosmophasis species
Photo: Martin Stevens

Male adult side

Cosmophasis species
Photo: Martin Stevens

Male palp, Lutwych March 2010 specimen

Cosmophsis baehrae
Photo: Robert Whyte

Male palp, Lutwych March 2010 specimen

Cosmophasis baehrae Male palp, Lutwych March 2010 specimen
Photo: Robert Whyte

Teeth Lutwych March 2010 specimen

Cosmophasis baehrae Male palp, Lutwych March 2010 specimen
Photo: Robert Whyte

Cosmophasis baehrae Male palp, Lutwych March 2010 specimen

Cosmophasis baehrae Male palp, Lutwych March 2010 specimen
Photo: Robert Whyte

Male from Brisbane, March 09, deceased

Cosmophasis thalassina
Photo: Robert Whyte

Male from Brisbane, March 09, deceased

Cosmophasis thalassina
Photo: Robert Whyte

Male fangs and teeth, underneath (retromargin)

Cosmophasis species
Photo: Robert Whyte

Male face closeup on fangs and teeth facing

Cosmophasis species
Photo: Robert Whyte

Male face showing fangs and teeth facing

Photo: Robert Whyte

Male palp front

Cosmophasis species

Female from side

Cosmophasis thalassina
Photo: Martin Stevens

Female facing

Cosmophasis thalassina
Photo: Martin Stevens

Female from side, above

Cosmophasis thalassina

Male palp

Cosmophasis thalassina
Photo: Robert Whyte


  • Zabka and Waldock, 2012 - Salticidae (Arachnida: Araneae) from Oriental, Australian and Pacific Regions. Genus Cosmophasis Simon, 1901
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