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Cosmophasis lami Berry, Beatty & Prószyński, 1997 Lami Beach Cosmophasis

A small, golden, slender jumping spider found along waterways and in rainforest in Fiji, the Cocos Islands, and now Townsville. This is a unident spider, having a single, prominent, curved tooth on the inside or retromargin of the chelicerae. It is similar to C. hortoni, but the size is much smaller, the chelicerae shorter, and the longer embolus of the male palp, which arises about 5 o'clock from the bulb. ♀ 5.5 mm ♂ 4.5mm

Male from side

Cosmophasis lami Berry, Beatty & Prószyński, 1997 Lami Beach Cosmophasis
Collector: Iain Macaulay Photo: Robert Whyte

Male from side

Cosmophasis lami Berry, Beatty & Prószyński, 1997 Lami Beach Cosmophasis
Collector: Iain Macaulay Photo: Robert Whyte

Male facing

Cosmophasis lami Berry, Beatty & Prószyński, 1997 Lami Beach Cosmophasis
Collector: Iain Macaulay Photo: Robert Whyte

Male from behind

Cosmophasis lami Berry, Beatty & Prószyński, 1997 Lami Beach Cosmophasis
Collector: Iain Macaulay Photo: Robert Whyte

Male from behind

Cosmophasis lami Berry, Beatty & Prószyński, 1997 Lami Beach Cosmophasis
Collector: Iain Macaulay Photo: Robert Whyte

Showing radiating lines on cephalothorax and 'interruption"of scales on the abdomen.

Cosmophasis lami Berry, Beatty & Prószyński, 1997 Lami Beach Cosmophasis
Collector: Iain Macaulay Photo: Robert Whyte

Male showing face, teeth and palp

Cosmophasis lami Berry, Beatty & Prószyński, 1997 Lami Beach Cosmophasis
Collector: Iain Macaulay Photo: Robert Whyte

Comparison of male palps

Cosmophasis lami Berry, Beatty & Prószyński, 1997 Lami Beach Cosmophasis
Illustrations: Marek Zabka

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