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Abracadabrella birdsvillei Zabka, 1991 Western Fly Mimic

An inland species with large, bulging, round, black-shiny 'eyes' on the rear of the abdomen, found mostly in south western Queensland, but also in nearby NSW and in the NT around Darwin. Its 'eyes' are rounder than those of Abracadabrella elegans and the nearby black panes smaller and less obvious. It is more shaggy overall and has a larger central pale area on the abdomen resembling a stylised fir tree. ♀ 5 mm ♂ 3.5 mm

Female from Cunnamulla

Abracadabrella birdsvillei
Photo: Iain R. Macaulay

Female from Cunnamulla, facing

Abracadabrella birdsvillei
Photo: Iain R. Macaulay

Female from Darwin AUS-2173

Abracadabrella elegans
Photo: Iain R. Macaulay

Diagnostic characters with female from Darwin

Abracadabrella birdsvillei
Drawings: Marek Zabka, Photos: Robert Whyte


  • Zabka, 1991 - Salticidae (Arachnida: Araneae) of Oriental, Australian and Pacific Regions, VII. Mopsolodes, Abracadabrella and Pseudosynagelides - new genera from Australia. Memoirs of the Queensland Museum 30(3): 62 1-644. Brisbane. ISSN 0079- 8835
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