Barry Richardson was asked by the referees of his paper describing this species to include it in Evarcha rather than erecting a new genus Dalbertis. The common name refers to its habit of slinking about low to the ground. Brothel Creepers are a kind of slippers suitable for shuffling secretively around brothels.
- Female from above, oblique
- Female from North Stradbroke Island 260810 oblique
- Female from North Stradbroke Island 260810 facing from above
- Female from North Stradbroke Island 260810 from above side on
- Female from North Stradbroke Island 260810 on a leaf edge
- Female from North Stradbroke Island 260810 wide shot
- Female from North Stradbroke Island 260810 in alcohol
- Female epigyne North Stradbroke Island 260810 in alcohol
- Teeth, tiny fang and tiny unident teeth North Stradbroke Island 260810 in alcohol
- Female North Queensland GJA-5818-f
Female from above, oblique

Female from North Stradbroke Island 260810 oblique

Female from North Stradbroke Island 260810 facing from above

Female from North Stradbroke Island 260810 from above side on

Female from North Stradbroke Island 260810 on a leaf edge

Female from North Stradbroke Island 260810 wide shot

Female from North Stradbroke Island 260810 in alcohol

Female epigyne North Stradbroke Island 260810 in alcohol

Teeth, tiny fang and tiny unident teeth North Stradbroke Island 260810 in alcohol

Female North Queensland GJA-5818-f