A medium-sized jumping spider in coastal Queensland, probably elsewhere. Common in winter and spring in South East Queensland as mature breeding males and females. Very similar to Servaea incana except smaller, as much as half the size, with a great variety of patterns and colours, including a central dark strip on a light abdomen, a shield of dark with only the sides of the abdomen light, often creamy, two large and obvious white or cream 'eye spots' to the rear of the upper surface of the abdomen, and also an inverted Y figure, sometimes a combination of these. This species is are active on foliage in the daytime, often found by shaking foliage. The legs are rather banded with light and dark rings, and the cephalothorax rather high and flat-topped when viewed from the side. The name "villosa" means velvety, "villosus" means shaggy. As the original name was Hasarius villosus it probably means the shaggy Servaea, but on the face of it, it does not seem much shaggier than the others.♀ 7mm ♂5mm
- From above, showing spots
- Facing
- From side
- From above, rather pink
- Facing closeup
- From above
- From above, strong circular pattern
- Female adult Bunyobi 1710a from above
- Female adult Bunyobi 1710a epigyne
- Female adult Bunyobi 1710c from above
- Female adult Bunyobi 1710c from side
- Female adult Bunyobi 1710c epigyne
- Male adult 17610 from above
- Male adult 17610 palp underneath
- Male adult 17610 palp from side A
- Male adult 17610 palp from side B
- Female 2810 chelicerae and teeth
- Male adult in alcohol from above 24-02-11 Glenbuck
- Male adult in alcohol facing 24-02-11 Glenbuck
- Male adult in alcohol palp 24-02-11 Glenbuck
- Female, Sydney IRM AUS-320 from above, facing
- Female, Sydney IRM AUS-320 from side
- Female, Sydney IRM AUS-320 oblique
- Female, Sydney IRM AUS-320 fissident teeth
- Female, Sydney IRM AUS-320 epigyne
- Video
From above, showing spots
From side
From above, rather pink
Facing closeup
From above
From above, strong circular pattern
Female adult Bunyobi 1710a from above
Female adult Bunyobi 1710a epigyne
Female adult Bunyobi 1710c from above
Female adult Bunyobi 1710c from side
Female adult Bunyobi 1710c epigyne
Male adult 17610 from above
Male adult 17610 palp underneath
Male adult 17610 palp from side A
Male adult 17610 palp from side B
Female 2810 chelicerae and teeth
Male adult in alcohol from above 24-02-11 Glenbuck
Male adult in alcohol facing 24-02-11 Glenbuck
Male adult in alcohol palp 24-02-11 Glenbuck
Female, Sydney IRM AUS-320 from above, facing
Female, Sydney IRM AUS-320 from side
Female, Sydney IRM AUS-320 oblique
Female, Sydney IRM AUS-320 fissident teeth
Female, Sydney IRM AUS-320 epigyne
Video: Martin Stevens