Arkys dilatatus 2 (Balogh, 1978) Accidental Moth Mimic

This spiderin life has a structure and pattern resembling a small moth, though this mimicry would be extremely unlikely, as mimicking moths would increase the attractiveness as prey. The colour is variable but often has a bright white section across the rear and penetrating inwards along the upper surface of the abdomen. There appears to be great variability in appearance. ♀ 4mm ♂ 3mm

From side

Arkys sp
Photo: Robert Whyte

From side

Arkys sp
Photo: Robert Whyte

From above, oblique

Arkys sp
Photo: Robert Whyte

From above in alcohol

Photo: Robert Whyte


01-Oct-11 Emerald Creek Falls Q 7316-7321 Tropical riverine vegetation dominated by paperbarks

Arkys vicarius
Photo: Dr Greg Anderson


01-Oct-11 Emerald Creek Falls Q 7316-7321 Tropical riverine vegetation dominated by paperbarks

Arkys vicarius
Photo: Dr Greg Anderson

Female adult, Freshwater National Park

Arkys vicarius
Photo: Dr Greg Anderson

Male adult, Freshwater National Park

Arkys vicarius
Photo: Dr Greg Anderson



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