A slender, vividly patterned, swift-running ground spider. Usually found under logs or rocks in dry country west of the divide, originally named by Simon from Western Australian specimens. The male pictured here has not been described. The species name cursitans means swift running from the Latin cursim: hastily, quickly, rapidly, cursito: to run up and down, curso: to run back and forth. ♀12mm ♂ 8mm
Grey Range QLD
Grey Range QLD
Male, Yulara NT
Murphy, J. (2007). Gnaphosid genera of the world. British Arachnological Society, St Neots, Cambs 1, i-xii, 1-92; 2:i-11, 93-605.
Simon, E. (1909d). Araneae. 2e partie. In: Michaelsen & Hartmeyer (eds.) Die Fauna Südwest-Australiens. Jena 2(13), 152-212.