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Arasia mollicoma (L. Koch, 1880) Flat-white Jumping Spider

A small to medium-sized bark dweller in dry eucalypt country. Females around 5-6mm. One of the many Astiae spiders in a group that live on and under eucalypt bark.

Female from above

Arasia mollicoma
Photo: Martin Stevens

Female from side

Arasia mollicoma
Photo: Martin Stevens

Female facing

Arasia mollicoma
Photo: Martin Stevens

Female from side

Arasia mollicoma
Photo: Martin Stevens

Female facing

Arasia mollicoma
Photo: Martin Stevens

Female facing

Arasia mollicoma
Photo: Martin Stevens

Female from above in alcohol

Arasia mollicoma
Photo: Robert Whyte

Female epigyne

Arasia mollicoma
Photo: Robert Whyte

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